
Travel, sunset & hippos

Tour guide within the Western Kenyan region, situated along the shores of Lake Victoria.

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Some of our services

Enjoy trips to some of the most popular hystoric sites in the country*
Anytime of the year!

  • Boat safaris(Boat excursions)
  • Tour guiding
  • Bird watching , hippo viewing
  • Island trips (Ndere and Maboko island)
  • Trip to fish village (Dunga village)
  • Sport fishing

Top Boat Trip Destinations

Impala park sanctuary

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Straight from our visitors

This is my tour guide of choice, because of its topnotch service and value for money.


Hippo riders has unbeatable deals and rides to so many magical destinations.


With great staff pampering us tourists, adventures becomes true luxury with Hippo riders!


Hippo riders is consistently soaring high!

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